Travel Nursing Jobs Near You

We’re staffing travel nursing jobs across the United States! Whether you’re traveling for adventure or to build new skills, make new friends, gain new experience, or simply earn more money, you can trust HealthTrust to connect you with great opportunities in the places you want to travel.

Read on for a rundown of how much travel nurses earn, what types of jobs are available, and how to find travel nursing jobs near your location.

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What are travel nursing jobs, and why should you consider working one?

From filling in for nurses on maternity leave to helping meet a surge in patients, hospitals and other healthcare facilities hire travel nurses for many reasons. And, as the nursing shortage continues to get worse, jobs for travel nursing jobs will only increase.

Nurses willing to travel can enjoy a unique chance to get paid while traveling the country, expanding your skill set, and advancing your career prospects, all while maximizing your take-home earnings.

Looking for a new career opportunity See all travel nursing jobs here

What can you expect from a travel nursing job?

Travel nursing assignment usually last 13 weeks, and involve traveling to a facility in another city or state. And when you work with HealthTrust, you get reimbursed for the cost of traveling to your assignment, as well as your cost of living. In addition, many travel nurses are offered extensions, or the chance to join the employer as full-time employees.

So, if you’re seeking a full-time opportunity or a job in a new place, travel nursing maybe a great way to test drive an opportunity before making a commitment.

Find your next travel nursing job with HealthTrust

Whether you choose to travel while you’re seeking a permanent assignment or as an alternative to a full-time role, we’ve got opportunities all across the United States. Explore our open travel nursing career opportunities below to get started today!

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